Parasol ExampleΒΆ

Parasol is a Framework for Parametric Model Investigation.

See the Docs at:

Parasol enables easy optimization, sensitivity study, and visualization.

For this example, Parasol was used along with RocketCEA to evaluate sea level performance of a rocket engine.

from math import *
from parasol import *
from rocketcea.cea_obj import CEA_Obj

# create system object (make sure author is correct... it's used for report)
S = ParametricSoln(subtaskName="Nozzle Area Ratio", 
    author="Charlie Taylor", taskName="System Analysis", constraintTolerance=0.001)

fuelName = 'LH2'
oxName = 'LOX'
epsRef = 21.5

ispODEObj = CEA_Obj(fuelName=fuelName, oxName=oxName, useFastLookup=0)

ispODEref,cstrODEref,tcODEref = ispODEObj.get_IvacCstrTc( Pc=pcRef, MR=MR, eps=epsRef)

# add design variables to the system (these variables may be used to
# optimize the system or to create plots)
# design vars have: 
#     name, value, minVal, maxVal, NSteps,  units,  description
    ['Pc',1500,1400,3000,60,'psia','Chamber Pressure'],
    ['eps',20,10,60,60,'','Nozzle Area Ratio'],

# now add any Result Variables That might be plotted
# "sysMass" is required
# result variables have: 
#    name,      units,  description
    ['IspVac','sec','Vacuum Isp'],
    ['Pexit','psia','Nozzle Exit Pressure'],
    ['IspSL','sec','Sea Level Isp'],

# the following control routine ties together the system components
#  with the system design variables
def myControlRoutine(S):
    # get current values of design variables    
    Pc,eps = S.getDesVars("Pc","eps")
    ispODE,cstrODE,tcODE = ispODEObj.get_IvacCstrTc( Pc=Pc, MR=MR, eps=eps)
    PcOvPe = ispODEObj.get_PcOvPe( Pc=Pc, MR=MR, eps=eps)

    IspVac = ispODE
    Pexit = Pc / PcOvPe
    IspSL, mode = ispODEObj.estimate_Ambient_Isp(Pc=Pc, MR=MR, eps=eps, Pamb=14.7)

    S["IspVac"] = IspVac
    S["IspSL"] = IspSL
    S["Pexit"] = Pexit
    if IspVac < IspSL:
        mode = mode + '<<ERROR>>'
        print('Pc=%4i  eps=%3i  IspAmb=%10.2f IspVac=%10.2f  Mode=%s'%(int(Pc),int(eps), IspSL, IspVac, mode))

# need to tell system the name of the control routine

make2DPlot(S, sysParam=["IspVac","IspSL"], desVar="eps", dpi=100,
           titleStr="Vacuum and Sea Level Isp for %s"%ispODEObj.desc)

make2DParametricPlot(S, sysParam="IspVac", desVar="Pc", dpi=100,
    paramVar=["eps",10., 15., 20., 30., 40.],  linewidth=2,
    titleStr="Vacuum Isp for %s"%ispODEObj.desc)

make2DParametricPlot(S, sysParam="IspSL", desVar="Pc", dpi=100,
    paramVar=["eps",10., 15., 20., 30., 40.]  ,linewidth=2,
    titleStr="Sea Level Isp for %s"%ispODEObj.desc)

make2DParametricPlot(S, sysParam="Pexit", desVar="Pc", dpi=100,
    paramVar=["eps",10., 15., 20., 30., 40.]  ,linewidth=2)

makeCarpetPlot(S, sysParam="IspVac", 
    desVarL=[["eps",10., 15., 20., 30., 40.],["Pc",1000.,2000.,3000.]], 
    haLabel='center', vaLabel='center', dpi=100,
    titleStr="Vacuum Isp and Nozzle Exit Pressure for %s"%ispODEObj.desc)

makeCarpetPlot(S, sysParam="IspSL", 
    desVarL=[["eps",10., 15., 20., 30., 40.],["Pc",1500.,2000.,3000.]], 
    haLabel='center', vaLabel='center', dpi=100,
    titleStr="Sea Level Isp and Nozzle Exit Pressure for %s"%ispODEObj.desc)

makeCarpetPlot(S, sysParam="IspSL", 
    desVarL=[["eps",10., 15., 20., 30., 40.],["Pc",1500.,2000.,3000.]], 
    haLabel='center', vaLabel='center', dpi=100,
    titleStr="Sea Level and Vacuum Isp for %s"%ispODEObj.desc)

# now save summary of system

# Be sure to wrap-up any files

The output below is from a Parasol run that uses RocketCEA to evaluate sea level performance.

System Analysis

System Analysis

Nozzle Area Ratio ParametricSoln v0.1.12
by: Charlie Taylor May 19, 2018
Design Variables (nominal values)
Pc 1500psiaChamber Pressure (psia)
Design Variable Summary
Design Variables (nominal values)
Pc 1500psiaChamber Pressure (psia)
eps 20Nozzle Area Ratio
Result Variables
NameValueUnitsDescriptionLow LimitHigh Limit
IspSL 390.646secSea Level Isp (sec)------
IspVac 436.348secVacuum Isp (sec)------
Pexit 8.07005psiaNozzle Exit Pressure (psia)------

Parametric Solutions
parasol v0.1.12
contact: C. Taylor,