from math import *
from parasol import *
from rocketcea.cea_obj import CEA_Obj
# create system object (make sure author is correct... it's used for report)
S = ParametricSoln(subtaskName="Nozzle Area Ratio",
author="Charlie Taylor", taskName="System Analysis", constraintTolerance=0.001)
fuelName = 'LH2'
oxName = 'LOX'
epsRef = 21.5
ispODEObj = CEA_Obj(fuelName=fuelName, oxName=oxName, useFastLookup=0)
ispODEref,cstrODEref,tcODEref = ispODEObj.get_IvacCstrTc( Pc=pcRef, MR=MR, eps=epsRef)
# add design variables to the system (these variables may be used to
# optimize the system or to create plots)
# design vars have:
# name, value, minVal, maxVal, NSteps, units, description
['Pc',1500,1400,3000,60,'psia','Chamber Pressure'],
['eps',20,10,60,60,'','Nozzle Area Ratio'],
# now add any Result Variables That might be plotted
# "sysMass" is required
# result variables have:
# name, units, description
['IspVac','sec','Vacuum Isp'],
['Pexit','psia','Nozzle Exit Pressure'],
['IspSL','sec','Sea Level Isp'],
# the following control routine ties together the system components
# with the system design variables
def myControlRoutine(S):
# get current values of design variables
Pc,eps = S.getDesVars("Pc","eps")
ispODE,cstrODE,tcODE = ispODEObj.get_IvacCstrTc( Pc=Pc, MR=MR, eps=eps)
PcOvPe = ispODEObj.get_PcOvPe( Pc=Pc, MR=MR, eps=eps)
IspVac = ispODE
Pexit = Pc / PcOvPe
IspSL, mode = ispODEObj.estimate_Ambient_Isp(Pc=Pc, MR=MR, eps=eps, Pamb=14.7)
S["IspVac"] = IspVac
S["IspSL"] = IspSL
S["Pexit"] = Pexit
if IspVac < IspSL:
mode = mode + '<<ERROR>>'
print('Pc=%4i eps=%3i IspAmb=%10.2f IspVac=%10.2f Mode=%s'%(int(Pc),int(eps), IspSL, IspVac, mode))
# need to tell system the name of the control routine
make2DPlot(S, sysParam=["IspVac","IspSL"], desVar="eps", dpi=100,
titleStr="Vacuum and Sea Level Isp for %s"%ispODEObj.desc)
make2DParametricPlot(S, sysParam="IspVac", desVar="Pc", dpi=100,
paramVar=["eps",10., 15., 20., 30., 40.], linewidth=2,
titleStr="Vacuum Isp for %s"%ispODEObj.desc)
make2DParametricPlot(S, sysParam="IspSL", desVar="Pc", dpi=100,
paramVar=["eps",10., 15., 20., 30., 40.] ,linewidth=2,
titleStr="Sea Level Isp for %s"%ispODEObj.desc)
make2DParametricPlot(S, sysParam="Pexit", desVar="Pc", dpi=100,
paramVar=["eps",10., 15., 20., 30., 40.] ,linewidth=2)
makeCarpetPlot(S, sysParam="IspVac",
desVarL=[["eps",10., 15., 20., 30., 40.],["Pc",1000.,2000.,3000.]],
haLabel='center', vaLabel='center', dpi=100,
titleStr="Vacuum Isp and Nozzle Exit Pressure for %s"%ispODEObj.desc)
makeCarpetPlot(S, sysParam="IspSL",
desVarL=[["eps",10., 15., 20., 30., 40.],["Pc",1500.,2000.,3000.]],
haLabel='center', vaLabel='center', dpi=100,
titleStr="Sea Level Isp and Nozzle Exit Pressure for %s"%ispODEObj.desc)
makeCarpetPlot(S, sysParam="IspSL",
desVarL=[["eps",10., 15., 20., 30., 40.],["Pc",1500.,2000.,3000.]],
haLabel='center', vaLabel='center', dpi=100,
titleStr="Sea Level and Vacuum Isp for %s"%ispODEObj.desc)
# now save summary of system
# Be sure to wrap-up any files