.. RocketCEA documentation master file You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. include:: ../README.rst See NASA CEA Documentation: `CEA User Manual (NASA RP-1311).pdf <./_static/CEA_User_Manual_(NASA_RP-1311).pdf>`_ and `CEA Methodology (NASA RP-1311).pdf <./_static/CEA_Methodology_(NASA_RP-1311).pdf>`_ .. note:: For those interested in using **RocketCEA** to design rocket thrusters, there are two companion projects `RocketIsp `_ and `RocketProps `_. `RocketIsp `_ uses a simplified JANNAF approach to calculate delivered specific impulse (Isp) for liquid rocket thrust chambers. `RocketProps `_ calculates the various liquid propellant properties required to analyse a liquid propellant thrust chamber. .. note:: On Windows, 32 bit python 3.8 and above are not supported. As of this writing (10/5/2021) 64 bit python 3.10 requires Unofficial Binaries to install numpy, scipy and matplotlib. RocketCEA ========= Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 quickstart installgfortran std_examples traditional_example simple_examples finite_area_comb comb_species engine_mr propellant_select propellants new_propellants plot_examples ambient_isp hydrazine_mono temperature_adjust cea_tdk_rpa parasol_example functions copyright authors history Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`